Friday, March 9, 2012


I just really love this picture. And I wanted to share. :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hello world!!! Long time no see. I'm attempting to catch up on things. And making things more interesting. I think the reason I quit posting here is because the design of this blog was seriously lacking. So I'm going to take the next couple of days and work on that.


1. UP.DATE. Update, update, update.

2. Get better at this whole editing thing. It's a work in progress.

3. By.... let's say September, I want to have my DSLR camera. My little Nikon S8000 is great. But really, I mean business.

Back in August, my family took a trip up to Oregon, we drove all the way up the coast on the 101 from northern California all the way up to Portland. It. Was. Beautiful. Here's just a few pictures from the trip:

Stopping at the Salt Flats. Brighton was so excited to lick the ground.

The trees, the mist, the SMELL. OH how I wish you could SMELL this picture. It's one of my all time favorite smells.

Our lovely mode of transportation: Walter the Winnebago.

These two were taken at our first camping spot along a HUGE ole' river. It was super red-neck, but oh so lovely. The flowers were incredible! Don't worry, you'll see them, I plan on having a whole post just for the flowers.

I think this sign speaks for itself. It's just funny.

Spending time at the first beach we went to.

Gosh I love my sister. She's such a little creep.

Horsetail Falls. Just a little ways away from Portland.

The biggest, nastiest, greasiest, awesomest, burger I have ever seen. All 8 of us couldn't finish it. At a little burger joint in Boise.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

~The Secret~

Lucas is a GREAT poser. I love it.

Brighton is going to be an Abercrombie model when he grows up. I've already decided. Look at how HANDSOME he is. He was REALLY hard to take pictures of. He kept crying, and crying, with some more crying + some screaming and gnashing of teeth. AND his arm has covered up the snot he wiped on his shirt not two minutes after I got it on him.

Tierney is one of the BEST little girls to take pictures of. I tried to do personalities as far as the clothes go. I can't decide if I want to do happier pictures. She asked to wear one of her tutus.

Friday, November 12, 2010

~Autumn in my Mountains~

These are pictures I took a few weeks ago up in the mountains. We went through the loop that goes from American Fork to Provo Canyons. I just love my mountains. I can't live without them. Silly huh?

This one almost hurts my eyes. But it's so stinkin' awesome. I couldn't leave it out.

It was a lovely overcast, rainy day. That means dreamy/creepy mist in the mountains...once you get high enough anyway.

Colors, colors, colors!!! And mist. Oh how I love it.

Populus Tremuloides. For those of you who are thinkin' I'm a HUGE nerd right now, they're called quaking aspens. And they are my very favorite tree.

Yes. I have a favorite tree.... Deal with it.


I love the green and orange and yellow.....does it remind anyone else of the 70's???

My very favorite one. I love the big ole cracked rock.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~the first~

I did it. I started a photography blog. Good grief.

Just so you know, these are NOT edited with Adobe Photoshop...for now. I'm just too poor. I'm hoping to get it for Christmas. *Cross your fingers!!!*

This is Tierney, she's my model for now. I could use some others. Let me know if you are interested.