Friday, November 12, 2010

~Autumn in my Mountains~

These are pictures I took a few weeks ago up in the mountains. We went through the loop that goes from American Fork to Provo Canyons. I just love my mountains. I can't live without them. Silly huh?

This one almost hurts my eyes. But it's so stinkin' awesome. I couldn't leave it out.

It was a lovely overcast, rainy day. That means dreamy/creepy mist in the mountains...once you get high enough anyway.

Colors, colors, colors!!! And mist. Oh how I love it.

Populus Tremuloides. For those of you who are thinkin' I'm a HUGE nerd right now, they're called quaking aspens. And they are my very favorite tree.

Yes. I have a favorite tree.... Deal with it.


I love the green and orange and yellow.....does it remind anyone else of the 70's???

My very favorite one. I love the big ole cracked rock.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

~the first~

I did it. I started a photography blog. Good grief.

Just so you know, these are NOT edited with Adobe Photoshop...for now. I'm just too poor. I'm hoping to get it for Christmas. *Cross your fingers!!!*

This is Tierney, she's my model for now. I could use some others. Let me know if you are interested.